Church in Society: Jesus placed a high priority on caring for others and we seek to care for those in our area through our participation in the Concerned Northside Congregations, CARITAS, and local outreach endeavors.
Education: Jesus taught his disciples and told them to teach others. We use traditional and non-traditional methods of sharing and nurturing growth in knowledge of Christ and faith in him. Our regular, weekly Sunday classes begin at 9:30 a.m. with fellowship and study.
Evangelism: We have encountered a God of Love and we want others to experience the forgiveness and joy that comes from being in relationship with God. This area of ministry seeks to find ways to share our Good News.
World Outreach: We seek to be the Good News of Christ inside and out, from our doorsteps to the ends of the Earth. Working cooperatively through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we are able to partner with others around the world to bring practical, tangible help and teaching beyond our walls.
Worship: One of our greatest joys is gathering in worship each Sunday. Each worship is centered around Communion as we remember how Jesus gave his life for us. A diversity of music, scripture, age, race, economic and educational backgrounds comes together to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. Sunday worship begins at 11:00 a.m.
Membership: Joining together as a community of faith in support and fun, encouraging and helping each other is a benefit of being a part of a church. This area of ministry seeks to enhance our life together as church.
Stewardship and Finance: Believing that all our resources are gifts from God, we seek to be good stewards of what we have. This area of ministry seeks to help all of us put God as our first priority and to use our resources well in bringing God's vision on Earth.
Weddings: Our Sanctuary is available for weddings for members and non-members. Please contact the church office for more information.
Community Groups: Various groups from the community also use the church facilities offering a wide variety of ministries and activities.