Worship December 17, 2020
(Christmas Eve) |
Worship November 15, 2020
Worship August 9, 2020
Worship August 2, 2020
Worship Service 8/2/2020
Worship Service 7/19/20
Worship Service 7/12/20
Prayer Service 7/1/20
Sunday Service for 7/5/20
Wednesday Prayer Service 6/24/20
Sunday Sermon for 6/28/20
Sunday Sermon for 6/21/20
Sunday Sermon for 6/14/20
Wednesday Meditation for 6/10/20
Sermon for 6/7/20
Sunday Worship for 5/31/2020
Wednesday Meditation for May 27
Sunday Sermon for May 24
Wednesday Meditation for May 20
Wednesday Reflection for May 13
Sunday Sermon for May 17
Sunday Sermon for May 10
Wednesday Reflection for May 6
Youth and Church |
April 26 Sermon
"I am the gate" JOhn 10:1-10 |
Wednesday Reflection for April 29
1 Peter |
Sunday Sermon for 4/26/2020
Because God Loved Us First 1 John:4:7-21 |
Wednesday Reflection for April 22
Reach Out |
Sunday Sermon for 4/19/2020
Born Again and Again John 20:24-29 |
Wednesday Reflection for April 15
The Same - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow |
Easter Sunday April 12, 2020
Tell Them It's True |
Maundy Thursday Homily
Just as We have been Loved John 13:1-17, 31-35 |
Sunday Sermon for 4/5/2020
Palm Sunday The Ordinary and Extraordinary Matthew 21:1-11 |
Wenesday Reflection for April 1
The Serenity Prayer |
Sunday Sermon for 3/29/2020
Choosing a Different World John 12:20-33 |
Wednesday Reflection for 3/24/2020
The Human Truth and Christian Hope |
Virtual Sermon for 3/22/2020
The Most Familiar Words Psalm 23 |
Wednesday Reflection for 3/18/2020
Show an Affirming Flame |
Virtual Sermon for 3/15/2020
Suffering, Endurance, Character, Hope Romans 5:1-5 |
March 8, 2020. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett uses John 3: 1-17 as the basis for his sermon, titled Not to Condemn But to Save.
March 1, 2020. On this first Sunday of Lent, Rev. Smith-Bartlett uses the Temptations of Jesus as the theme for his sermon. The scripture can be found in Matthew 4: 1-11.
February 23, 2020. The Transfiguration is the subject for today's scripture and sermon by Rev. Smith-Bartlett. You'll find the scripture at Matthew 17: 1-9.
February 16, 2020. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett uses as his scripture, Matthew 5: 13-20. In this passage, many important questions are asked of Jesus and answered by him.
February 9, 2020. In the absence of our minister, today's message is brought by Charles Lewis, a Pastoral Fellow from the Northside Church of Richmond. The recording begins with the choir's anthem.
February 2, 2020. In his sermon, What the Lord Requires, Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett emphasizes justice, kindness and humility. You'll find the related scripture in Micah 6: 6-8.
January 26, 2020. Rev. Smith-Bartlett calls his sermon The Human Point of View, and bases it on 2 Corinthians 5: 14-18. Love (agape) is the center of it all.
January 19, 2020. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with his sermon. The scripture is from Deuteronomy 34: 1-12.
January 12, 2020. Jesus' baptism was a transformative event, as God spoke, and Jesus' ministry began. Rev. Smith-Bartlett's scripture is Matthew 3: 13-17.
January 5, 2020. This is Epiphany Sunday, when we acknowledge the realization that Jesus is God incarnate. As his scripture, Rev. Smith-Bartlett uses Matthew 2: 1-12, the story of the visit of the Magi.
December 29, 2019. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett uses as his scripture, Luke 2: 41-52, the story of Mary and Joseph losing Jesus after their visit to the temple. In My Father's House is the sermon title.
December 22, 2019. On the fourth Sunday of Advent, the theme is Love, which is the title of Rev. Smith-Bartlett's sermon. The scripture is about the angel telling Joseph what to do, including the name of the Christ child. Matthew 1: 18-25
December 8, 2019. As we wait for the coming of Christ, the second Sunday of Advent has the theme of Peace. Rev. Smith-Bartlett uses Romans 15: 4-13 as his scripture.
December 1, 2019. For the first Sunday of Advent, Rev. Smith-Bartlett Preaches about Hope. His scripture is Matthew 24: 36-44.
November 24, 2019. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett preaches his first sermon since becoming our minister. Luke 1: 68-79 is his scripture. It is known as the Song of Zechariah, revealing the coming of John the Baptist.
November 17, 2019. Rev. June Haislip preaches on a familiar love scripture, I Corinthians 13. The term "vision" indicates sight, but also goals.
November 3, 2019. On All Saints Sunday, Rev. Haislip bring this message, based on Hebrews 12: 1-3.
October 27, 2019. Rev. June Haislip preached about the beginning of Jesus' ministry using Luke 4: 14 - 21 as her scripture. The recording begins with our choir's anthem.
October 13, 2019. Rev. Jonathan Goldwire takes time from his Army chaplain duties to return to our pulpit.
October 6, 2019. Rev. June Haislip based her World Communion Day sermon on Psalm 137 and Lamentations 1: 1-6. The recording begins with the anthem by our choir, Promised Land.
September 22, 2019. Rev. Matt Lorish returns to our sanctuary this morning. His scripture is Matthew 10: 26-33 for a sermon titled Nobody Said It Would Be Easy.
September 15, 2019. Rev. Haislip has two scriptures, Matthew 5: 21-37 and Deuteronomy 30: 5-20. Her interesting sermon title is Moses and Hobson's Choice.
September 8, 2019. We welcome Rev. Haislip again to our pulpit to preach her sermon Oh, The Places We'll Go! Her two scriptures are Galatians 6: 1-16 and Luke 10: 1-20.
September 1, 2019. Rev. June Haislip is our guest minister this morning, preaching a sermon titled Can Anything Good Come Out of Robersonville?
August 25, 2019. Rev. Jonathan Goldwire, an active member of the National Guard preaches his sermon Something Beautiful Is on the Horizon, based on Jeremiah 1: 4-10. The recording begins with a solo by Rob Peterman called Knowing You.
August 18, 2019. Rev. Jonah Smith-Bartlett brings us the message this morning. His scripture is Luke 12: 13-31, which tells us not to be anxious. The title of his sermon is Consider the Saints.
August 11, 2019. Our guest preacher is Nii Aryee, who bases his sermon on a single Bible verse, Proverbs 13: 22.
August 4, 2019. Our sermon, titled Faith that Makes Us Well is given by Rev. Joel Passmore. His scripture is Mark 10: 46-52.
July 28, 2019. Isaiah Thomas, a young man considering the ministry as his calling preaches for us using as his scripture Phillipians 3: 13 - 17. His sermon title is Perseverance.
July 21, 2019. Rev. Matt Lorish provides the message today, using the scripture Matthew 6: 1 - 4. His sermon title is Dangerous Giving.
July 14, 2019. For her sermon, Collection, Communion & Calling, Dr. Moses uses a scripture from the book of John, chapter 15: 1 - 17.
July 7, 2019. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses brings the sermon. Her scripture is Luke 10: 16-20. As part of the message, Jerusha sings the Star Spangled Banner as she reflects on each passage.
June 23, 2019. Rev. June Haislip is our guest preacher this week. Her sermon, Searching for Sunday, is based on the Old Testament scripture 1 Kings 19: 1-15a.
June 16, 2019. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses gave the sermon on Father's Day. Her scripture was Matthew 7: 9-11, and the title was "The Three B's, Bread, Ball and The Bible.
June 6, 2019. Dr. Ted Fuson brings the message based on Ephesians 1: 15-23. Who are we as a church?
May 26, 2019. Rev. Jeffery Schroeder, STM, brings our Memorial Day Sunday message titled To Hold With Honor.
May 19, 2019. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses brings us the message today, basing her sermon on John 13: 31 - 35. Disciples demonstrate a distinct love.
May 12, 2019. For her sermon on Mother's Day, Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses has her daughter read the 23rd Psalm as our scripture.
May 5, 2019. Our guest minister this Sunday is Rev. Ted W. Fuson. The title of his sermon is The Lord Will Provide, based on Genesis 22: 1 - 19.
April 21, 2019. Easter Sunday! The message is brought to us by guest minister, Rev. Matt Lorish. His scripture is 1 Corinthians 15: 3 - 7, and the title is Somebody Saw Something.
April 14, 2019. This recording is based on Matthew 21: 1 - 9. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses brings us her Palm Sunday sermon, Riding on a Donkey.
April 7, 2019. Rev. Moses' sermon is titled "Take Up Your Cross", and the scripture she uses is Mark 8: 31 - 38.
March 31, 2019. The Rev. Dr. Jerusha Moses preaches for us, using Psalm 32 as her scripture. The title of her sermon is "Happiness".
March 24, 2019 was Rev. Rachel Woodall's final Sunday at Battery Park. Her scripture was Luke 13: 31 - 35. How immense and all encompassing is the love of God through Jesus.
March 17, 2019. Our scripture, Luke 13: 1 - 9 relates Jesus' story about the barren fig tree. In the New Testament, a vineyard or an orchard might stand for the people. The fig tree may have been a symbol for the Disciples - us.
March 9, 2019. As Advent begins, Rev. Rachel Woodall uses the scripture from Luke 4: 1 - 13, telling us about Jesus' tempations with the devil in the wilderness.
February 24, 2019. The scriptures used by Rev. Woodall this week are Luke 6: 27 - 38 and Ephesians 3: 17 - 20. The sermon is titled "Love Running Over."
February 17, 2019. More Than We Can Imagine is the theme of the Week of Compassion, and also the title of Rev. Woodall's sermon. Her scripture is Luke 6: 12 - 31. Our relationship with God gives true meaning to our lives.
February 10, 2019. Rev. Rachel Woodall used the story of Jesus instructing the disciples where to drop their nets to catch a boatload of fish from Luke 5: 1 - 11 for the basis of her sermon. It is titled Holy Encounters.
February 3, 2019. The scripture reveals one of Jesus' first miracle, the turning of water into wine. John 2: 1 - 11. In the gospel of John, water is often used as a symbol of our relationship to God. Rev. Woodall talks about reigniting our faith.
January 27, 2019. The recording begins with our choir singing Amazing Grace. Rev. Woodall uses the scripture about Jesus teaching in the synagogue from Luck 4: 14 - 21 for her sermon titled Walk This Way.
January 20, 2019. The scripture is Luke 3: 15 - 22, the story of John the Baptist proclaiming he is not the Messiah, but another will follow him. He baptizes Jesus, after which the voice of God is heard. In the Hands of Loving God is the name of Rev. Woodall's sermon.
January 6, 2019. We hear the story of the Magi coming to visit with the child, Jesus from the book of Matthew 2: 1 - 12. Rev. Woodall calls her sermon "Exceedingly Great Joy!"
December 30, 2018. On the last Sunday of 2018, we enjoyed a sermon by guest minister, Rev. Matt Lorish. His topic was "Radical Love."
December 23, 2018. Continuing in the book of Luke 1: 57 - 66, Rev. Woodall gives her Christmas Sunday sermon, "Same Old Story?"
December 2, 2018. Luke 1: 5 - 25 tells the story of Zachariah and Elizabeth, who were to become parents to John the Baptist, as we move into the first Sunday of Advent. The title of Rev. Woodall's sermon is "Expectations".